WAORGANY Buen Camino So one of the many questions we get is how do you pronounce WAORGANY and what does it mean? We pronounce it phonetically as such...
War-Gah-Knee. I began brewing beer in 1993 while stationed at Ft. Benning. GA when he was a Drill Sergeant for Infantry OSUT. So that adds the letters waor GA ny. After that he PCS'd to Ft. Lewis, WA, where he served as a Platoon Sergeant with the 25th ID, hence forth the WA organy, so you might notice the pattern here? He grew up in Oregon, which was where he developed his taste for craft beer in the mid to late 80's, wa OR gany, and NY was his first duty assignment as one of the original COHORT Soldiers that stood up 2/22 INF in 1986. It was also his last duty assignment, returning once again back to 1st BCT this time as a First Sergeant in 1/87 INF, the word WAORGANY has been used by us since the mid 90's and also has some other significance. |